North Hyde School District # 4423

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North Hyde School District was formed in the early 1920's. When the district was organized it was quite large. For a number of years, the district included a large area three miles south of the Red Deer River. This large area did bring in revenue, but was not practical. It was much too great a distance from the school, and there was the river to cross. There were no bridges then.

North Hyde School was built on the north-east corner of the SE33-42-11-W2. The carpenter was Denis Duchesneau. The school opened in 1925 with John Ervine as teacher. The first secretary was Wm. Dixon. The school burned during the summer holidays in 1933. All the records burned and no one seems to remember, the name of the Chairman, or other members of the board at that time.

A new two room school was built, during the winter of 1933-1934, on a new site, the SE corner of SE-3- 43-11-W2. The building of the school was a community effort. Logs were cut and taken to a mill to be sawed into lumber. All the labour to build was donated, with Joe Eby hired as head carpenter.

The school opened March 12, 1934 with Stan Back and Esther Smith as the teachers. Chairman of the board was Harry Blackmore and the secretary was Joe Morris. Both rooms continued in operation until August 1939, when one room was closed. The North Hyde ball team was named the “
Tough Hydes”.

In September 1952 the Tisdale School Unit was formed. North Hyde joined the Tisdale School Unit.

The second North Hyde School burned in the fall of 1956. Classes were opened in the Steen Community Hall and continued there until the children were bussed to Bjorkdale School in September 1959.

Both schools were used for Church services. The schools served as a centre for all social functions, school picnics, Christmas concerts, card parties and dances. Heat was furnished by a wood burning stove, which took a four foot stick of firewood. Lights for social functions were kerosene or gas lamps or lanterns loaned by local residents. Over the years the teachers boarded at various homes in the district.

The teachers:
John Ervine
L. Lercher
Stan Back
Nettie RiceL
loyd Cudney
H. S. Clayton
Rose Phipps
Victoria Neufeldt
Helen Corbett
Sylvia Kindrachuk
Earl Cummings
Marlene Lauder

B. Smith
Eldon Abrey
Mildred Bone
Ilona Nichol
Mr. Luduc
Leona Kittilson
Miss Meridan
Ed Dirks
Jim Shinkaruk
Mike Martyn
Mrs. Asseltine
Annette Mahussier

Willis Richford
Lillian Horning
Esther Smith
Henry Vinish
Maxine Radloff
Mrs. Crewal
Henry Brown
Nan Roye
Jessie Poelzer
Jim O'Bryne
Georgia Bodholdt
John Rachkewich

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Abstracted from: A Season or So ..., A History of the people of Bjorkdale and surrounding districts., 1983. Published by Bjorkdale Historical Committee.